Finally, the boy you are most scared of and after that, who really cares you covered all your bases. Then the boy who can ruin your chances with the girl you like. “But to whom should I toss it to first?” Give the first one to your boy that knows all your secrets, don’t let him feel left out.
Then you toss it, because handing it is a sign of weakness. You feel the cold rushing from the can into your fingers, throughout your body and during a full moon you can even see the cold on your breath. You reach into the box and pull out the first can. Alex Trebek asking a question on Jeopardy about what day is for the boysįirst you open your fridge and rip open your 12-pack because anything less would be for feckless losers and its scientifically impossible to crack open a cold one if you’re a feckless loser.
Saturday is for the boys, cracking open a cold one with the boys, there’s no better time for America to make everything about the boys than gay pride month, don’t you think? But all jokes aside, have you ever actually cracked open a cold one with the boys? If you haven’t, let me walk you through the beauty that is cracking a cold one. In recent months, the phrases “Cracking open a cold one with the boys,” and “Saturday is for the boys” have been celebrating the start of the 2017 summer.